The following interview with Darius was published in the teen magazine Sugar in December 2002.
You can click on the photo to read the article or read it in text below:
We asked Darius what he gets up to in his sleep...
Do you dream about work a lot?
The other night I dreamt I was singing my new single and holding the mic to the crowd. They sang a reply to my chorus and it sounded brilliant so the next day I went and re-recorded the track with backing vocals.
Can dreams really come true?
Well, I've had a dream about an amazing music video. Maybe I'll use it!
What did you dream about last night?
I dreamt about a girl who was in the front row of my recent gig in Manchester. There was a moment when we looked at each other and connected. I won't tell you what happened in the dream but if anyone knows the girl, let me know!
Wanna make your dreams come true? Darius tells us his success secrets...
What have you always dreamed of?
Since I was four, when I used to sing and dance around the house, I've dreamt of making music. At 12, I taught myself the guitar. I knew I wanted to work in the music industry.
What influenced you the most?
My mum's old record collection! Growing up listening to the Beatles inspired me to make music.
Did anyone doubt you?
My school didn't let me do GCSE music, because they didn't think was any future in it. But I did it at A-Level and got an A!
How did you cope with the Popstars rejection?
It was tough, as there was a lot of bad press about me. Even people I'd known growing up sold false stories to the papers. It hit a nerve.
Did you consider giving up?
No, I was determined to stay positive and learn from it. I took my guitar to the country to get my head together and I ended up writing Colourblind. There's always a positive side!
What's the most important lesson you have learnt?
I used to want everything at once, but now I realise you have to take one small step at a time. In Popstars, I came across as cocky, but I was just nervous. I was trying to be what I thought the audience wanted.
And now?
I've realised that I don't need to change for anyone - but I did cut my hair and shave off my beard when my little brother suggested it! I'm still ambitious, but I'm not in such a rush to get that platinum disc!
Would you settle for second best?
It depends what you think "second best" is. When my ex-girlfriend told me she was ditching university for music college, she said: "Look to the moon and even if you don't reach it you'll still have the stars." I aim for the top but if I don't get there, at least I've tried.
What's the secret of achieving success?
Remember the phrase: "No regrets, just experience" It's a positive way of looking at everything you do as a stepping stone.