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Remember when - Darius Performed 'Incredible (What I Meant To Say) on Top Of The Pops

Writer's picture: SarahSarah

Today we're looking back at Darius' performance of 'Incredible (What I Meant To Say)' on Top Of The Pops back in 2003. The performance aired on Friday 14th March when the song was at Number 9 in the official UK charts.

Watch it below:

Darius spoke to the Top Of The Pops website backstage check out what he had to say below:

Dishy Darius chats about his new single 'Incredible', pancake heaven and lying to the ladyeez...

TOTP: You're starting to become quite a regular on the 'Pops. What are you up to this time?

Darius: I don't know about being a regular guest, but it's great being back for my third Top 10 hit. I'm mixing at the moment, launching the 'Incredible' single and setting up the Dive In tour which is gonna start in May in the UK. Also I'm promoting 'Colourblind' and the album 'Dive In' in Europe. It's amazing, I'm visiting all the places I wanted to as a student. France, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, Norway, Sweden... everywhere! I'm living the dream!

TOTP: Can you remember where you were when you thought of 'Incredible'?

Darius: Yeah. 'Incredible' was spawned from an event. It's basically when you say something and afterwards realise that that's not what you meant to say. It was spawned from breaking up with a girlfriend and when she asked me "do you love me?". To make it easy on the break up I said "no". We often hurt those who are closest to us the most. The truth was that I did love her and I had to say it to make it easier on the situation. I was lucky though to have more of an upbeat production than the spawn of the song. We went out to LA to record it with Avril Lavigne's producers, the Matrix, then came back to shoot the video in Barcelona.

TOTP: Now, you've been taking a few model lady friends out on the town recently. Is there any romance on the cards, my man?

Darius: Man, there's romance in my life everyday! [laughs] I love love! Don't we all? I'm just enjoying being single. I love being a bachelor and the only relationship I have right now is the one with my guitar! That's the only thing that I guarantee will be in my bedroom when I go to sleep and as I wake up in the morning. I can't promise that with all the girls that I date. I'm lucky. If I was 35 or 40-years-old and I was looking back when I was 22-years-old where I had an opportunity to date many women, I'd be kicking myself if I didn't do it! I'm too agile right now to be settling down. There were reports in the newspaper last month saying that I was getting married to a girl I haven't even met!

TOTP: Is it true that you're writing an autobiography?

Darius: [laughs] Come on man, I'm only 22-years-old! It would be the most patronising thing in the world to write an autobiography! [even more laughs] I'm not, but I am writing a book, which is equally cool. It's out in the autumn. I wanted to write a book that ties into the "behind the scenes" part of Pop Idol. Everyone was entertained by Pop Idol, but the really interesting stuff happened off camera. The stuff that I learned is the stuff that you can write a book about. I don't have a title as yet, but it's about the perception and reality in the music business. It's not an autobiography. [Still chuckling]

TOTP: Is it also true that you've been given an honorary degree?

Darius: [Here we go, major laughing] Yeah, man! I feel like I've robbed the bank and got away with it! I don't actually believe my life! I did three years out of a four year degree at Edinburgh. I had the time of my life. They say the student years are the best years of your life and they were until I became a pop star. It's wicked to look back on those three years and realise that I met some fantastic people, went out with great mates, went out with great girls, got drunk, threw big parties and work wasn't really at the top of the list. But, they sent me this honorary degree which has taken pride of place on my mum and dad's mantelpiece. So, if anything it's made them very happy.

TOTP: What level did you get, i.e, a 1st, 2:1...?

Darius: I don't think that they give you that for an honorary. No man, when you're lucky enough to get one without finishing the degree, you grab it and you run. You don't even read it just in case it's a misprint and it's someone else's! [laughs]

TOTP: Did you celebrate Pancake Day and if so what's your fave pancake?

Darius: Yeah, there's a wicked place in London on the King's Road called My Ol Dutch. It's fantastic! They have every single pancake you could possibly imagine. They have savoury ones, sweet ones, thick pancakes, flat pancakes, pancakes that have stuff that you wouldn't even think of. The best savory pancake is with smoked salmon, cream cheese and chives. [TOTP splutters with ew-ness] I know, man! It sounds really weird, but try it, it's alright! Pancake that's cooked like a pizza with tomato, mozzarella, cheddar and garlic... stunning! Then you progress to the dessert pancakes. You've got banana, maple syrup with ice cream and pecan nuts. So, if you wanna get fat and it's not Tuesday and it's not even Pancake Day, just make your way there.

My fave pancake is anything with chocolate in it. You've gotta love it. Anything with double chocolate, triple fudge, chocolate brownie bits, anything chocolate!

Darius' What I Meant To Say

We asked ol' Dazza how he would approach the following tricky situations. Is this really what he meant to say? Read on...

TOTP: You've just run over your Grandmother's cat because you were driving too fast. What would you say?

Darius: Granny, there's black ice on the roads and I almost died! It was very lucky that ol' Tabby saved my life. She threw herself in front of the wheels of my car knowing that I was about to slam into a tree. If it wasn't for the fact that she provided my tyres with grip, I wouldn't be here, Granny. I'm just so glad to be here... [starts to cry]

TOTP: You're caught getting jiggy with your girlfriends best friend. What would you say?

Darius: [quivering voice] I'm sorry. I walked in here and thought it was you. No! In fact I slipped. There was a banana and I was horny because I was watching t-t-t-the freeview on the Adult Channel and she was just lying on your bed and she was getting changed and it just I, err.. [gets all lost for words]

TOTP: You're dissing someone behind their back when you realise that they're standing behind you. What would you say?

Darius: [laughs - we've got him on this one!] Yeah, that's what I heard them say about me when they were drunk. When I see them, God damn it, I'm gonna have it out with them and ask them why they were saying that nasty stuff about me!

TOTP: You're relaxing in your room listening to music. You close your eyes and start to have a bit of a fiddle 'down there'. Your mum walks in. What would you say?

Darius: Mum, mum. I've got a pain in my groin cos I got kicked in the nuts playing rugby. Call the ambulance! Call the ambulance! I think I've got something stuck in my fly and it's itchy, oh, ow, ow, ow!

TOTP: It's the first time that you've met the parents of your girlfriend. They cook you a meal but it's unbearable. You spit it out into your napkin and hide it under the table. They later find the mess on the floor. What would you say?

Darius: I'm sorry. I have a really terrible disease. It means that food that I eat goes straight through me. I couldn't make it to the toilet and I've got chronic diarrhoea. If you forgive me for that, you'll forgive me for anything. I look forward to being your son in law! [collapses to the floor crippled with laughter].


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