Fantasy Fling
More Magazine
October 2002
Is Darius Danesh really such a smoothie? Or is he more like a bit of rough? We put him to the test.
So, Darius, how did we meet?
I was on the tube and I caught sight of you sitting opposite me. My heart went bang! The train stopped before I could speak to you so I jumped off and ran up the stairs and as I was running around looking for you, you tapped me on the shoulder and said "Hi".
Do we swap numbers?
Yes, and I tell you that if you fancy dinner to call me.
So a few days later I phone you. Then what?
I tell you that I’m free tomorrow and I’d love to cook you dinner at my house.
What do you cook me?
Well obviously, I asked you last night what your favourite food is, and I cook that.
How about finger food?
Easy now – this is our first date and you want finger food? Hell woman, you’re a fast mover!
So what are you wearing for dinner?
Stressed denims and a smart shirt – I’m trying to give out that it’s a date so I’m making an effort, but not too much of an effort vibe.
What am I wearing?
Something comfortable and sexy.
And what do we talk about?
I ask you about yourself, your day, your job, who you live with and your family. Then we have a drink to break the ice a bit.
How can I tell if you’re interested in me?
I’m cooking you dinner – that should be enough! Oh, and I ask you to come and help me cut the vegetables in the kitchen, and as I reach for the knife I accidentally on purpose brush past you and electricity shoots through us. I’m close enough to smell your perfume, and you can smell my aftershave. There’s lots of eye contact and if you can’t tell that I’m interested in you, then there’s something wrong!
So are we staying in or going out?
It depends how the evening goes. If things are flowing along nicely and I get excited every time I touch your hand then, hell, no we ain’t going anywhere! But if we’re a little shy then we go to a Cuban bar that sells amazing cocktails.
I fancy going out. Do we dance?
Yeah, with salsa playing. We dance close and sexily.
What next?
I know a guy who runs The London Eye, and earlier I asked him to set up a little surprise. We’re going to take a ride on the wheel after it’s closed for the night – just you, me and a bottle of wine.
So what happens?
At the top of the wheel, with London below, I kiss you so gently that you’re not even sure you’ve been kissed.
Ooh yummy! What next?
I ask you if you’re free at the weekend.
Do you take me home?
Yup, and on the doorstep we kiss – like one out of the old movies. Just lips, no tongues. We look deep into each others eyes and I tell you that I’ll pick you up at midday the next day.
Blimey! See you tomorrow then!