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Top Of The Pops Magazine Christmas Interview

Writer's picture: SarahSarah

20 years ago Darius spoke to the December 2002 issue of Top Of The Pops Magazine about Christmas...

Do you reckon there's any point in dreaming of a white Xmas? Yeah, in Scotland we usually have snow. This year, my fingers are crossed 'cos there's nothing better than opening your presents then going and having a snowball fight! I'll employ all my old tactics - like the night before I'll go out and make a big bundle of 40 or 50 snowballs and hide them in piles around the garden. So the next day the balls are all hard and frozen so you're ready with the full snowball ammunition! Then you'll win the snowball fight and everyone thinks you're a Snow God.

Are you as excitable as one of Santa's elves the night before Christmas? Even more so! My younger brother Cyrus is seven so quite often we've stayed up the night before, hiding behind the sofa waiting to see Santa climb down the chimney. But of course Cyrus falls asleep by the time it gets to one or two o'clock! Whatever happens I'll usually get dragged out of bed at dawn!

Do you find it hard to fall asleep on Crimbo Eve? We usually all sit up and talk. Cyrus is usually full of beans telling me about what he's been doing and the snowmen he's been making with this mates. And I'll get him to tell me a story so he falls asleep half way through! 'Cos if I started telling him a story he'd be all wide eyed and asking what happened next!

Before you hit the sack do you leave gifts out for Santa? Oh yeah! It's normally milk and maybe a glass of champagne, well just half a glass because we don't want to get Santa drunk - he wouldn't be able to fly his sleigh! And of course a carrot for Rudolph and maybe some ginger.

Bet you gossip all night about what pressies you wanna unwrap. Yeah! I remember one Christmas being told that there was no way I'd be getting this remote control Knight Rider car - I was even told that there was no such thing. But my dad got my uncle to buy one from the States and send it over, so I was THE kid on the block that Christmas!

Are you up at the crack of dawn on Xmas day? No that's Cyrus - every year! He's always the first up, waking everyone. One Christmas day when I'd had a big party the night before, he poured a glass of water on my face so that I'd get up 'cos he wanted to open his presents. The rule is that we all have to open our presents together.

What would you most like to unwrap this year? I've been really lucky and I've been using a Gibson guitar on tour, so at Christmas I hope to get my favourite Gibson guitar. I don't know who from! So Mum, Dad, if you're reading this! Or Gibson, the company! It's the blonde!

So you won't be too happy if you find satsumas and nuts in your stocking? Whoever gives me satsumas would get hit particularly hard with my snowballs! Absolutely! To be quite honest, I don't think I've ever been given satsumas in my stocking!

Be honest - do you ever wear special Christmas undies? I've got a pair of The Simpsons Christmas pants, with Homer in a Santa hat on them! Because, y'know at Christmas time, once you've had your roast and you're with the family you automatically act like Homer Simpson! It's the Christmas thing - all you wanna do is sit on the couch, eat food, drink and have the TV on!

Unlike Homer, have you ever surprised a girl with a saucy Christmas gift? That would be telling! But one Christmas morning I surprised a girl by taking her to his beautiful little place beside a Loch up in the Highlands. There were snow buggy rides and jacuzzis and stuff. I'd saved up for three months!

Has a girl ever given you a saucy gift? Well I'd love to go into the details of the gift she gave me that night - but I can't because it's too rude for TOTP mag! Let's just say (bursts into song), "It's getting hot in here, so take off all your clothes." Ha-ha!

So who'd be your sexy Santa? I think a girl dressed up in red is really sexy! There's no girl I have in mind but I don't think I'd go out with a celebrity. I'd rather just go out with the kinda girl-next-door type.

Santa only gives pressies to good boys....have you been good this year Darius? Some people have labelled me the bad boy of pop because I rejected record offers and I've spoken my mind about people like Simon Cowell but I've actually been a good boy! So this Christmas my stocking should be bulging!


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